
Baja Beach Fest is coming! These are the prices of this famous music festival in Rosarito

Presale tickets for "Baja Beach Fest" will be available on January 30

Good news for music fans! In only 4 days, the presale of tickets of the amazing Baja Beach Fest will begin. The different passes that will be available have been posted so that you can enjoy the event with different benefits at the most affordable price for you.

On January 30, the presale will begin. Though it offers low prices and better reservation plans, it is limited, which is why it is important that you subscribe to the waiting list on the following website: This will give you access to the 2024 passes.

GA Pass

Price: 299 dlls.

Among the passes that were recently revealed on social media for this music event, there is the GA Pass which includes a 3-day festival entrance where you'll be able to enjoy more than 30 performances.

Since this is the basic package, it will give you access to dozens of bars, food options, water stations, activities and games, a Ferris wheel by the sea, art installations, and much more.

GA+ Pass

Price: 459 dlls

Just like the basic GA Pass, the GA+ Pass gives you access to the 3-day festival and will allow you to enjoy the live performances, food and drinks, an exclusive entrance lane, a dedicated bar line, exclusive premium restrooms, and delicious food.

VIP Pass

Price: 679 dlls.

This has all the benefits of the GA package and some of the GA+ Pass. You will have preferential admission to this event, with restrooms and exclusive VIP bars. You will also have complete access to the festival's venue and VIP areas, the pre-fade party, and the Papas&Beer party that will take place on Friday.

Lastly, you will have access to the after parties at Papas&Beer during these 3 days and just like with the previous packages you'll be able to enjoy the Ferris wheel by the sea, new games, art installations, and much more.

Learn all about it at:

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