
Study: Mexico is the worst place to live during the pandemic

In the ranking of best and worst countries to be during the pandemic, Mexico is the worst

Photo by: Jezael Melgoza vía Unsplash

Today, Bloomberg released a research highlighting which countries are the best to be during this pandemic, but also which are the worst. Among the best was New Zealand, which has only two active cases.

There is also Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea, including China, which is where the pandemic started, is in 8th place with only 5 active cases of coronavirus. Now, which are the worst? The Czech Republic, Belgium, Peru, Argentina, and the one they have labeled as the worst of all: Mexico, our country.

Data collected by study in Bloomberg
Data collected by study in Bloomberg

Why is this? According to the research, it is because of poverty, since more advanced economies such as Germany and the United States have improved their capacity to test and have invested in the health sector to prevent deaths in time.

These advantages are not found in regions of Latin America, which so far, is the most devastated by the pandemic, not only in the number of infections and deaths, but also economically. This region is at the bottom of the list studied, the worst places to be during the pandemic.


For its part, Mexico is in the worst position of the 53 countries studied because the number of positive tests is 62%, which " suggests that the not detected infection is very extended ", they inform in the investigation. In fact, the same Mexican officials have accepted that the numbers are higher than estimated (this includes, deaths and cases).

In addition, the fact that they have a limited number of diagnostic tests suggests that the infection among the population is larger than previously thought. Another influencing factor is that, like Trump or Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, the President of Mexico has minimized the threat of the pandemic.

According to Cynthia Arnson, director of the Latin American Program at the Wilson Center for Studies in Washington, it has been the lack of strong social safety nets and public health system that have worsened the crisis in this country, in addition to the "arrogance" of its rulers.

With information from Bloomberg

Related news: SRE announces arrival of vaccine doses for trial in Mexico


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