
No Risk in Baja California of Hepatitis A Epidemic

The virus hasn' t reached the region

Photo by: BRG

The epidemic Hepatitis A in San Diego has claimed 19 lives in the county and continues to spread throughout more areas of California.

The proximity and constant contact with San Diego has raised caution among Baja California residents south of the border, but the Baja California Health Minister, Guillermo Trejo Dozal , said to Uniradio that Baja Californians can be safe and calm since there are no cases registered by contagion.

Because of the outbreak, California was declared in a state of emergency, also affecting Los Angeles, while the homeless community is the most vulnerable to the disease.

This public health problem has not been present in any of the municipalities of the Baja region, but that does not mean hygiene and care should be ruled out.

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