Pirates of The Caribbean in Rosarito ?

Jack Sparrow and his crew may be on their way to Baja California

ROSARITO BEACH.- One of Australia's most reputable news services has just reported that the next sequel of the Pirates of the Caribbean, starring Johnny Depp, may be filmed in Rosarito, Baja California.

Just a few hours ago, "The Australian" indicated that Mexico is preparing to "steal the next film in the Pirates of The Caribbean franchise" from Australia. Funding decision delays in Queensland, Australia may put them in danger of losing the project to Mexico. It is expected that movie will generate more than two-thousand jobs, and with a budget of more than $200 million dollars would be the biggest project to film in Australia.

The Australian reports that representatives of the Mexican government and the State of Baja California met this week with Disney, Inc. executives in Los Angeles in order to try bring the Pirates of the Caribbean to Baja Studios, a location that was used to film Titanic and has sufficient infrastructure for a project of this scale.

Negotiations with the Australian government have taken more than two months and are causing significant delays.

A couple of weeks ago, via social media, a message looking for bilingual workers to man a film crew for an important international production that will take place in Baja Studios was widely spread. Could this be Pirates of the Caribbean 5?

Ever since Disney announced the sequel, July 2017 has been cited as the release date. This would mean that now is a logical time for pre-production to begin. It is anticipated that the final decision of where the filming will take place will be announced in the next coming weeks. The Governor of Baja California has not issued a statement on the subject.

VIDEO : Pirates of The Caribbean

Via The Australian




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