
Mayor Ismael Burgueño leads meeting with Tijuana's business sector leaders

The Municipal President of Tijuana was endorsed by the business sector. This first meeting laid the foundations in order to create the Business Advisory Council.

The Municipal President of Tijuana, Ismael Burgueño Ruiz met with leaders of the business sector to lay the foundations that will allow for the creation of the Business Advisory Council. Therefore, the mayor was endorsed and backed by this important sector so that they can work together to benefit the population and boost economic growth.

Before entrepreneurs, represented by the President of the Council of Economic Development, Carlos Jaramillo Silva, the mayor stated that with the creation of the Advisory Council, one of his campaign promises, the opportunity has now arisen to generate conditions for permanent communication and to propose actions that boost the economy, measure them, and assess them together as a team and with a strict agenda that must be implemented.

During this First Business Meeting, he explained that issues such as business procedures, infrastructure expansion, creation of optimal conditions for investment, security, mobility, and a humane government will be addressed during these council business meetings in order to follow up on them.

"We will maintain a close relationship with you. What is coming for Tijuana is a comprehensive project. We are committed to get rid of the factors that, at the municipal level, hinder business development. We are allies and part of you, Tijuana is everyone's responsibility," the mayor of Tijuana said.

He said that his government is here to build, with transparency as a primary feature to create trust in people. In addition, he emphasized that that this administration will not tolerate or allow corruption, impunity, and smuggling.

For his part, the Secretary of Economic Development of Tijuana, Pedro Montejano Peterson, called on representatives of this sector to join the Business Advisory Council and focus on the main pillars of this government through the work meetings led by experts on these subjects.

He emphasized that by orders of Mayor Ismael Burgueño, the Secretariat he leads will take another path regarding the bolstering of economic boosting and promotion, while working hand in hand with the business sector. They will also be managing, alongside other agencies, the speeding up of procedures.

He added that they are reviewing the issue of medical passes so that they can be allocated to where the idea originally came from, clusters and business chambers.

Meanwhile, the President of the Business Coordinator Council (CCE), recognized the interest shown by the mayor of Tijuana, Ismael Burgueño who met with leaders of this sector during his campaign and who made a promise that, once he took office to lead the 25th City Hall, he would meet them again, a promise he has kept.

"We are ready to work together to generate new investments to boost economic development, but also to look for solutions to structural problems that affect our city, from improving infrastructure to creating policies that incentivize investment and entrepreneurship," he stated.

The President of CCE added that even though the challenges are big, they are convinced that there are more opportunities because Tijuana has a potential ready to be used and that with the firm, committed, and visionary leadership by President Burgueño Ruiz, they will be able to make of the city a safe, fair, and competitive place with opportunities for everyone.

Representatives of business organizations that make up CCE as well as cluster groups representing several different economic sectors all participated in this meeting.

VIDEO: Ismael Burgueño sworn in as mayor of Tijuana

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