
Mayor Montserrat Caballero, 3 years of achievements under her administration in Tijuana

Three years ago, the people of Tijuana elected Montserrat Caballero as mayor and here are some of the results of her administration’s work

Three years ago, the people of Tijuana chose Montserrat Caballero as the mayor of this municipality, and since then, she has been heading this administration, proving herself to be a capable leader for Tijuana. During her administration, several projects have begun and concluded and, before her Third Government Report, Caballero has shared a video where she showcased some of her administration's most significant achievements.

Caballero has been a leader committed to the development and wellbeing of Tijuana, achieving significant progress in several areas. Her term that ends on October 1 will leave behind a legacy of progress and substantial improvements for the community of Tijuana.

Settlement of Tijuana's public debt

During her administration, the mayor of Tijuana, Montserrat Caballero, reached important milestones and one of her greatest successes has been the settlement of a 2.575 billion peso debt that has left Tijuana with no public debt. This means that all lines of credits that had been active with three bank institutions have been paid off. This action guarantees financial freedom for the upcoming municipal administration and makes the transition easier without prior economic stress.

In addition, the government has regularized its financial situation with the Institute of Security and Social Services for Government and Municipal Workers of Baja California (ISSSTECALI) by paying more than 1 billion pesos that had been owed for many years. Mayor Montserrat Caballero Ramírez, with support from the governor, was able to reach an agreement that allowed for this payment to be made.

This could interest you: Montserrat Caballero administration guarantees transition with no public debt or financial liabilities

A new lung for Tijuana: Parque Recreativo y Deportivo “Cerro de Las Abejas”

The reopening of the "Cerro de Las Abejas" Recreational and Sports Park, scheduled for the first week of September, will benefit 153,000 citizens. This space, which has an area of around 48 hectares, has some facilities that have already been built such as a baseball field, an amphitheater, a photovoltaic system, and three basketball courts. This project which is a result of a collaboration between the local administration, the private sector, and the people of Tijuana stands outs as a significant achievement by the Caballero Ramírez administration.

The mayor has said in multiple occasions that she is proud of this park, describing it as an example of unity and joint efforts that have allowed it to be built in such a short period of time. She invited citizens, especially young people, to visit and take care of this new green area, which will function both as a high-quality recreational space and as Tijuana's second lung.

More information at: Montserrat Caballero announces opening of "Las Abejas" park in Tijuana during September

Transformation in roads for Tijuana natives

Investment in infrastructure has been a priority for mayor Montserrat Caballero as there has been an investment of 410 million pesos in pothole repairs and road restoration.

Thus, mobility and road safety have been improved in Tijuana: in total, 139 streets and 17 drainage projects have been restored and 40,000 street lights have been installed, which has improved lighting and safety in several different areas of the city.

Renovation of Playas de Tijuana Pier

With an investment of 200 million pesos, a significant remodeling of the Playas de Tijuana pier has been ordered. This project includes the creation of a pedestrian walkway, the construction of an access ramp for emergency firefighter units, and infrastructure improvements to make lifeguards' work easier in case of emergencies. In addition, the amphitheater and pedestrian walkways will be repaired, with new ramps for people with disabilities and accessible spaces.

The project is also contemplating the creation of a new exercise area, a rest area, and a sculptural lookout "Los Caminantes" to pay tribute to immigrants. These improvements' goal is to strengthen the safety of visitors as they guarantee a more accessible and functional environment for everyone. This remodeling will not only make the pier more beautiful, but also ensure a safe and pleasant experience for all tourists and residents.

This could interest you: Municipal Administration will invest 200 million pesos to modernize Playas de Tijuana Pier

In her goodbye message, mayor Montserrat Caballero thanked Tijuana natives for their cooperation during the three years of her administration. She highlighted that, during her term, her administration has worked tirelessly to build a stronger destiny for the families of Tijuana. She underscored that her government' success is due to its joint efforts with the people of Tijuana, emphasizing that this government has always attempted to be close to the people.

VIDEO: [dailymotion title="Tercer informe de Montserrat Caballero resalta los logros de tres años de mandato" image="" duration="x93ckyg"]x93ckyg[/dailymotion]


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