
It's official! Dax stores in Tijuana and Rosarito are now pet friendly

This is great news for those who go with their pets everywhere

Pets are an important part of our life and many businesses have noticed the great impact they have, which is why many are allowing dogs and cats into their establishments, and now, a famous chain of stores has done the same.

Dax stores confirm it: they are now pet friendly

Dax stores are some of people's favorites because here is where most people buy makeup, skincare, accessories, nail polish, gifts, toys, and much more. These stores originally began as several branches in Tijuana, but they became so popular that they are now in several different municipalities of Baja California and in other states such as Mexico City.

Keep reading: Come on, Barbie, let's go to Tijuana! Margot Robbie visits Downtown Dax store

On social media, Dax officially announced that their branches are 100% pet friendly, which means that animals are allowed in their facilities without any issues.

In this announcement, they explained that pets can be allowed in with a leash, inside a stroller, or carried on their owners' arms. There is no information regarding size limits, but it should be noted that pets are their owners' responsibility and they take care that they do not damage any products or the facilities at large.

In the comments hundreds of clients claimed that they were happy about this news and that they were looking forward to going there as soon as possible to experience something new with their pets inside this store.

RELATED VIDEO: Woman in Tijuana shares that "delinquents" painted brows on her dog

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