
Montserrat Caballero delivered economic aid to vulnerable families in Tijuana

The mayor of Tijuana has delivered economic aid to around 150 citizens

Around 150 citizens received economic aid from mayor Montserrat Caballero Ramírez, which was an investment that amounts to more than half a million pesos and aid that was provided by the Secretariat of Wellbeing.

During the event organized at the parking lot of Parque Morelos, the mayor spoke to the beneficiaries to whom she demonstrated again that the main goal of her government is to provide wellbeing to the most vulnerable families.

I am very pleased to give you justice as we did on the first day of our government, where we have demonstrated with facts and results that we are working to benefit our people who truly need it.

Accompanied by the head of the Secretariat of Wellbeing, Gerardo López Montes, Caballero Ramírez recognized that her administration is always betting on women, men, young people, and seniors, because they and all Tijuana natives are valid.

Alongside the senior official, Marcelo Machain Servin, the mayor delivered checks as part of the Construyendo Bienestar para Todos program where, besides economic aid, they provide medical care, one story homes, and construction material.

As the mayor of Tijuana, alongside her work team, she has implemented a social policy with a grand vision of development and integration where communities and their families can get the tools they need to move forward.

VIDEO: Mayor Montserrat Caballero supervises pothole repairs in Tijuana

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