
San Diego County Fair will donate stuffed animals to hospitalized children in Tijuana through "Care N Share"

"Care N Share" is the San Diego County Fair program that gifts stuffed animals to children at the Children's Hospital of the Californias in Tijuana

Every year San Diego has the most awaited event of the county which is open for 20 days. Time passes fast and not many have the chance to visit, however, once you know about the San Diego County Fair's aid that it has given since 2009 you will look for any chance to visit it and help as well.

The San Diego County Fair is not only an event full of fun and entertainment, but it is also an excellent platform to promote programs that support good causes and initiatives such as "Care N Share", a program started by the fair where they bring stuffed animals to children in Tijuana at the Children's Hospital of the Californias, which not only gives them joy while they go through a tough time, but also strengthens the bond between the community and the event.

Admission tickets for this fair can be purchased in two ways: through the official website of the San Diego County Fair, and if you are in Tijuana you can buy your tickets in Farmacia Roma at a preferential price. It should be noted that this price varies depending on the day you visit.

Licentiate Kathia Bustillos Iturralde, President of the Foundation for the Children for the Californias, said that the San Diego County Fair was the one that had the initiative to donate stuffed animals 5 years ago after seeing the amazing work that the foundation carries out:

We have a project in the hospital where children who undergo surgeries are given a toy. They choose it before going into the operation and when they get out, their stuffed animal is waiting for them during their recovery. The goal is that children are sure that everything is going to go well.

Discover the San Diego County Fair: your definitive guide to enjoy it to the fullest

These actions reflect the fair's commitment to social wellbeing and show that entertainment can go hand in hand with solidarity and aid to those who need it the most during stressful or frightening moments.

Care N Share will also be part of this retro edition of the San Diego County Fair where, if you attend and win a stuffed animal you can deposit them at the Care N Share donation units The visibility of these initiatives can also inspire other events and organizations to follow their example, creating a chain of support and solidarity that benefits a higher number of people. In addition, when attendants and the community at large see that this event is dedicated to carry out charity actions, a greater emotional connection and a sense of community pride is born.

Stuffed animals will be delivered through the "Foundation of the Children of the Californias" located in San Diego, sister of Fundación para los Niños de las Californias, in order to support minors who are currently facing health issues.

This same foundation recently shared on its official Facebook page a photo where one can see bags full of stuffed animals that will be collected in collection centers located in the San Diego County Fair. In addition, besides the stuffed animals won at the fair, they are also accepting donations of almost new stuffed toys from home for those who wish to donate.

Involving the community in these causes during the fair promotes active participation and volunteering, as it offers attendants the chance to contribute to programs such as stuffed animal donation, which creates a sense of belonging and shared responsibility. This participation not only amplifies the reach of this cause, but also educates and sensibilizes the population at large about the importance of supporting those who face tough situations, promoting values such as empathy and generosity in the entire community.

Bustillos added:

It is amazing. Surgery is a physical thing, but choosing and having a partner waiting for you helps a lot in the emotional and mental side of things regarding recovery, it is less invasive.

The Children's Hospital of the Californias, led by Dr. Antonio Loaiza, has more than 20 specialties to treat all children's needs. Children are given a health passport so tht they can be sent to pediatric doctors to then be referred to specialized doctors. In addition, they have a clinic focused on the autism spectrum and they have just inaugurated one to treat patients with Down syndrome.

You can also read: More than 140 years of fun! This is how the San Diego County Fair was born

In addition, thanks to the growth of this medical center, it has had the chance to refurbish several areas such as the dental clinic, the nutrition clinic, and the specialized clinic focused on children's mental health (psychology, psychiatry, and speech therapy).

The 2024 San Diego County Fair opened to the public last June 12 and will officially close on Sunday, July 7, which is why you still have time to visit and enjoy all of its attractions, food, games, activities, and entertainment.

This fair opens from 11 AM to 10 PM. It closes on Mondays and Tuesdays and has come back with a Let's Go Retro! theme, perfect for those who want to go nostalgic and wish to travel back in time.

Win amazing prizes in games such as ring throwing, enjoy the adrenaline rush on its roller coasters, and enjoy its unparalleled fair dishes such as burgers with cereal, chicken sandwiches with funnel cakes, giant turkey legs, delicious shakes, and much more.

Remember, coming here is not only fun for your family and loved ones, you can also be part of an important cause that will bring joy to children going through health problems.

Learn everything about the San Diego County Fair on their official website and social media pages:

Website in Spanish: https://www.sdfair.com/spanish
Website in English: https://www.sdfair.com/
Facebook: @sdfair
Facebook in Spanish: @feriasandiego
Instagram: @sandiegocountyfair

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