
Mexican woman scientist develops device that creates music from plant sounds

The young woman was able to make music from the sounds of plants

Mexican scientist Laura Xóchitl Cruz has developed a device that makes music created from plant sounds, which has led to concerts being performed in Queretaro in Central Mexico.

Laura Xóchitl Cruz is an engineer in biosystems from Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (UAQ) who researched for many years how sound can influence the growth and development of plants. Along the way, she discovered that they could create music.

The researcher told Agencia EFE that she started working with lettuces, exposing them to the noise that vegetables create during their growth.

After I finished that experiment in Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, I realized that the devices that I had used for this experiment could be used to listen to the plants' music.

The device that sets plants to music

This device consists of electrodes connected to leaves. When you touch the plant, the sound changes. These sounds are the electrical impulses that each plant has inside and that, after being processed, are linked to the sound of instruments in order to create music.

Cruz has begun to focus in developing a technique that complements agriculture with sound and her goal is to substitute the costly tools in the industry such as pollinating drones.


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