
Marina del Pilar inaugurates in Baja California the Almater Oncological Treatment Center, leader in Latin America

The Almater Oncological Treatment Center is one of the most advanced in Mexico

Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, the governor of Baja California, inaugurated in the city of Mexicali the Almater Oncological Treatment Center, which is one of the most advanced in Mexico and Latin America and will provide proper care for patients in order to save their lives.

It is true that the most modern diagnostic center in all of Mexico and maybe all of Latin America is in our state, Baja California, in our beloved Mexicali.

In her speech, the governor recognized the medical staff at Almater for creating one of the best assistance centers for cancer patients in the continent, which focuses on preventive actions and the prompt detection of this disease, key issues to provide adequate treatment.

She added that this oncological center has unique state-of-the-art technology in the country, such as its Unity lineal accelerator with magnetic resonance, equipment which will be used in adaptive radiotherapy and high-level radiosurgery.

Marina del Pilar said the following:

To win the battle against cancer it is important to have a prompt detection, personalized assistance, follow treatment with discipline, and great willingness, but above all, a lot of desire to live and lots and lots of love.

She emphasized that, throughout its history, Almater has shown great social commitment to backing the noblest causes and the work of social organizations such as Fundación Mujeres que Viven, la Fundación Necesito un Trasplante, and Grupo Familias Almater.

In addition, Marina del Pilar highlighted the construction of three hospitals in the state: the General Hospital of the Eastern Zone of Tijuana, the San Felipe General Hospital, and the IMSS Hospital in Ensenada.

In addition, we are investing to expand, in equipment, and many public hospitals. I am sure that together we can continue building a better world, a world where cancer does not mean living with fear, but with hope and quality of life. Because in the fight against this terrible disease in Baja California, we must face with the help of experts, with that fire in us, all together with our heart above all.

VIDEO: Marina del Pilar inaugurates oncological treatment center

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