
Mayor Montserrat Caballero recognizes work by artist Mode Orozco in Tijuana

More than 30 murals by this artist have decorated the streets of Tijuana since this administration began

The mayor of Tijuana, Montserrat Caballero Ramírez, delivered a recognition to urban artist Mode Orozco for contributing to the transformation and beautification of the city with his work and talent, which has been captured in at least 30 murals in different spots of this municipality.

The mayor pointed out that since she took office, the administration has carried out a permanent campaign to fill the city with murals, a project where this Tijuana native artists has been an essential key to achieving this.

"This municipal administration thanks the support and dedication of urban artist Mode Orozco. We value your efforts and passion that you express with every mural, because each of your creations are a source of inspiration and beauty, awakening the love for Tijuana," Caballero said.

So far in this administration, the urban artist has worked together with the Municipal Administration of Tijuana in more than 30 murals. One of them, in the emblematic stairs of Colonia Altamira, was carried out together with other artists and the community.

Artist Gerardo "Mode" Orozco thanked the recognition of his work and said that he hopes that the community enjoys his works of arts painted all over the city for a long, long time.

"I thank the support that I was given and I hope I can continue. I hope we can continue seeing you in some public position where you can support art and culture, because I know that many people are grateful," he said.

Both the mayor and the urban artist recalled the many spaces in Tijuana with this type of art such as Comprehensive System of Transportation of Tijuana (SITT) stations or the braking ramp at the Rosas Magallón bypass.

That's why, mayor Montserrat Caballero encouraged Tijuana natives to visit these murals, to take pictures with them, and to support urban artists such as Mode Orozco, who with his works of art not only puts Tijuana's name in high places, but creates support for the city and contributes to the recovery of public spaces.

RELATED VIDEO: Montserrat Caballero is ready to take the Fourth Transformation to the next level


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