
Amazing! Moment where family crosses border wall in Tijuana is filmed

There was a minor among these people who crossed

Tijuana is known for several different reasons, one of which is its proximity with the United States and, as such, it is filled with people who are trying to get into this country illegally through several different methods.

Tijuana native films moment where illegal crossing to San Diego takes place

On a Facebook page about border crossings and waiting times at the border, a Tijuana native shared the moment where an alleged family of 3 adults and a minor crossed the wall that separates Tijuana and the US.

This incident took place at Avenida Internacional, a highway that connects Via Rápida Poniente with Playas de Tijuana, which means it is a very busy area, especially due to the current construction work that is being carried out for the Elevated Viaduct. Due to the light seen in the video, it seems this incident occurred during the day.

With help from a metal ladder from the Tijuana side, 4 people were able to reach the highest part of the wall and, one by one, they carefully climbed down on the American side. The minor had a rope tied around their waist as a safety measure in case they slipped.

So far, it is unknown if the family was able to cross safely or if they were arrested by the US Border Patrol.

RELATED VIDEO: Moment where family crosses border wall in Tijuana is filmed

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