
You can now camp at San Diego Zoo Safari

San Diego Zoo is one of people's favorite places, did you know that you can camp here? Learn all about it here

Did you know that you can spend the night at San Diego Zoo? That's right, this amazing place is giving nature fans this opportunity with its "Roar and Snore Safari" program.

This program, that you will undoubtedly love, offers camping activities and a view of everything that happens after the zoo closes its facilities.

Some of the most significant activities are:

- Guided tours
- Roasting marshmallows in a bonfire
- Dinner, meal, and breakfast
- Spending the night in a tent

How much does it cost spending the night at the zoo?

Everything depends on the tent that you choose, as there are 3 in total: Classic, Vista, and Premium. Classic tents cost $160 per person.

Vista tents have a cost of $200 dollars per person, and this one has a view where you can watch giraffes and rhinos.

Lastly, there are the Premium tents, which include a bed and two bunk beds. 5 people can stay here, and the cost is $333 per person.

Now you know, if you want to enjoy an amazing and unique experience, don’t forget to make a reservation at San Diego Zoo to spend an incredible night with your family and friends.

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