Baja California

SMADS reaffirms binational link for air quality in Baja California

Agendas on both sides of the border will work together to strengthen the environment of Baja California

The head of the Secretariat of the Environment and Sustainable Development of Baja California (SMADS), Mónica Vega Aguirre, participated in the Binational Air Quality, Infrastructure and Importation Opportunities Workshop, with the goal of reaffirming binational cooperation regarding air quality.

This event was organized by the California Environmental Protection Agency, the California Air Resources Board, the US Environmental Protection Agency together with SMADS, the Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), the Energy Commission of California, and San Diego County.

These efforts' goal is to advance and align local work, create focused actions to improve air quality and deal with climate change issues for the communities of the San Diego-Tijuana area and the border region between the United States and Mexico.

Regarding this, Vega Aguirre stated that "Our binational relation is not limited to geographical borders; it is also about the air that we breathe and the challenges derived from air quality. That's why, our environment is a common good that deserves our attention and collaboration. As such, we are facing common challenges such as a reduction in polluting emissions that require unified actions and the search of innovative solutions that benefit both sides of our border."

The state official reaffirmed the close collaboration and connection that has been achieved with the binational cooperation group to improve the air quality of the CaliBaja region.

The Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation, statewide financial and incentive opportunities, infrastructure needs, continuous collaboration areas, and future steps to achieve collective goals regarding air quality were also discussed.

As such, SMADS continues to strengthen border links to achieve common agendas that add to the strengthening and quality of air in Baja California.

RELATED VIDEO: Governor of Baja California inaugurates Parque Esperanto, the biggest park in the state


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