The governor of Baja California, Marina del Pilar, participated in a follow up meeting on federal projects that are a priority in the state together with federal and municipal authorities and the Secretariat of National Defense.

The state governor stated that, in the meeting, progress regarding the construction of the Otay II port of entry and the Elevated Viaduct in the city of Tijuana were addressed with SEDENA, which carries out them with support from the Baja Californian government.

Marina del Pilar emphasized the permanent support from the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, with Baja California, especially in allocating resources and constant technical and sufficient support of projects that directly benefit all people.

The meeting, which took place at Residencia General de Obras, located near the San Ysidro port of entry, had as a goal reviewing the progress and planning actions so that the projects are developed more quickly.

The meeting was led by General Raúl Manzano Vélez, who is in charge of the Priority Projects of Baja California, and had the presence of the municipal president of Tijuana, Montserrat Caballero Ramírez, and general Salvador Cervantez Loza and representatives of civil society.

RELATED VIDEO: Governor Marina del Pilar highlights progress of federal projects