Baja California

Baja California, model state in job creation: Marina del Pilar

Nationwide, Baja California is ranked #3 regarding states with the lowest informality rate

Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, the governor of Baja California, revealed that thanks to registering progress regarding job creation and work conditions, Baja California is currently ranked 3rd place nationwide with the lowest rate of informality, according to data from the National Poll of Occupation and Employment (ENOE) by the National Institute of Geography and Statistics (INEGI), regarding the fourth quarter of 2022.

In addition, Marina del Pilar stated that the state is ranked 3rd among the states in Mexico’s northern border with the highest job rate, as 97.3% of its economically active population has a job.

During the last months of 2022, the total of Baja Californian people with jobs rose to 1.79 million people. The state continues to add 3.1% of employed people in the country, where 1.1 million people work in the formal industry and 658,531 in the informal economy.

Marina del Pilar considered that the state has a great capability to create jobs, which is why, following the values of the Fourth Transformation, she is working in coordination with several state agencies to make sure that Baja Californians work under dignified conditions, with formal jobs that pay well and follow the law.

The state governor recognized the dynamism of the labor market, which favors the choice of workers to look for options according to their needs and aspirations, both in their work and their personal and family activities.

For his part, the Secretary of Economy and Innovation, Kurt Honold Morales, revealed that, considering the fourth quarter of 2022, the state created 8,049 new job positions in comparison with the same time period in 2021. Of these, there were 62,799 formal jobs created and the informal industry numbers dropped to 54,750 jobs, which means that more people have access to social security and its benefits.

By industry, the primary industry registered in this time period 2,228 new jobs. The secondary industry registered minus 15,971, as manufacturing registered a positive record of 861 new jobs and the extractive and electrical industry obtained 390, but the construction industry decreased by 17,222. The tertiary industry had the best results with 2,828 new jobs.

Social services were the highlight with 21,489 new jobs, followed by transportation, communication, mail, and storage with 13,508 new jobs. On the other hand, there are 92,895 cross-border jobs, which increased by 17,690 in the last year.

The state official pointed out that the state government provides aid to businesses, so that promotion of economic activities becomes one of the essential foundations for the wellbeing of all.

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