Governor Marina del Pilar has revealed that with more than 55 million pesos of investment in 2022, allocated to infrastructure in the city of Tecate, special attention has been given to complaints that have been going on for years by Tecate natives regarding the city’s road system. As part of the RESPIRA program, this investment represents a historic moment for the municipality since it is the highest amount ever invested in favor of the wellbeing of Tecate natives.

In her visit to the municipality of Tecate, Marina del Pilar also informed people about the paving of the street that allows one to enter Colonia San José, which also gives access to hundreds of students to Universidad de Mexicali. This is why she was thanked by the student community and the executive, administrative, and teaching personnel of the school, since it is a request that has been resolved thanks to the joint efforts of the state government and the community.

"From the state government, we have started to carry out the first packages of projects where we are including Tecate. We are just starting, we still have five years left and we are thinking of using every day and every minute of our services to the city and the state to do good things for Tecate and Baja California. Every second of the day will be dedicated to improve the quality of life of those who trust us,” she said.

Lastly, the Secretary of Infrastructure, Urban Development, and Territory Redesign, Arturo Espinoza Jaramillo, revealed that infrastructure investments will be strengthened by 2023, since next year’s budget contemplates the allocation of resources of around 100 million pesos. This means that an authentic infrastructure transformation of the Magical Town will take place after several decades of not being properly cared for. It should be noted that several projects already have important advances such as the access to Paso del Águila and Universidad de Mexicali.

At this presentation the following people were present: mayor of the XXIV Municipal Administration of Tecate, Édgar Darío Benítez Ruiz; General Secretary of the Municipal Government, Dora Nidia Ruiz Chávez; Director of Tecate’s Public Utilities Commission (CESPTE), Teodoro Araiza; Head of SIDURT, Arturo Espinoza Jaramillo, and teacher Edna Huerta, Principal of Universidad de Mexicali and community representative.

RELATED VIDEO: Marina del Pilar informs that she will restore road infrastructure in Tecate