
Baja California has protocol ready in case monkeypox comes to the region

Baja California is currently free of monkeypox cases, but it already has a protocol

Photo by: Digital Nomad Mx/CDC

Even though monkeypox cases still haven’t appeared in Baja California, the state is already ready to begin protocol in case it arrives, according to Secretary of Health, J. Adrián Medina Amarillas.

“For our part, we are observing the situation and we are active when it comes to our surveillance system, which has been strengthened since COVID-19. We always have an advantage if diseases begin in other countries since it gives us knowledge, and allows us to take preventive measures. It should also be noted that there is currently nothing that supports that this is a new pandemic. We have to careful and responsible and follow up its evolution throughout the world,” he said.

The head of ISESALUD mentioned that after the first patient was detected in Mexico City, they are a looking to provide certainty to the population that there is a procedure that all hospitals and health centers in the state will follow.

This guide for action was issued by the National Committee of Epidemiological Surveillance (CONAVE), which will apply to all states in the country, he claimed.

He said that the symptoms of monkeypox are fever, chills, headaches, extreme fatigue, muscular pain, and after these first few signs, swollen and prominent lymph nodes begin to appear.

The protocol indicates that when a patient with these symptoms is detected, this should be immediately notified to the Immediate Notification System (NOTINMED). After that, Sanitary Jurisdiction will take its place, while samples will be taken from the skin (taints, papules, blisters, pustules, or scabs). These will be sent to the State Health Lab or the National Network of Public Health Labs.

The diagnosis is confirmed through a PCR test, which will be validated by the Diagnosis and Epidemiological Reference Institute (INDRE). At the same time, a follow up will be carried out regarding contacts (direct exposure, physical, sexual, or contaminated materials contact) from the last 21 days.

The patient’s treatment will include constant hydration, symptomatic treatment, thermal control, avoiding injury manipulation (they should be wrapped in bandages or blankets), and keeping them under surveillance for the next 21 days.

As a preventive measure for health staff assisting these patients, they must wash their hands with water and soap after contact, use gloves, gowns, medical masks, and ocular protection. They must also be aware in case any symptoms appear, without any need to go through quarantine after contact with a confirmed case.

“We are prepared with this protocol at medical units with first, second, and third levels of assistance, as well as private units. So whenever the first patient with this variant appears we will act fast and coordinated,” the Secretary of Health concluded.

VIDEO: Vaccination against Covid-19 begins at Plaza Río in Tijuana


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