Baja California

Marina del Pilar leads Mother’s Day celebration in Baja California

The governor emphasized mothers’ value to the development of the entire state

Baja California’s Governor, Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda celebrated Mother’s Day in Mexicali and emphasized the importance that all mothers and women have in order to achieve wellness and development in the state.

She said:

Today is a very special day, because I know very well that everything you do, you do it for your children. Your children motivate you, inspire you, and challenge you to overcome everything.

In her speech to all mothers present, the state governor brought to the forefront the relevant role that mothers play in the Fourth Transformation and added that the public policies generated form the state government of Baja California have them as a priority.

She added:

For me it is very important that all Baja Californian moms know that they have a friend and ally in me.

Furthermore, Governor Marina del Pilar[b] spoke about her own experience as a mother, and how she has received the support of other women in her life and political career. This is why she thanked mothers for still trusting her and for collaborating actively with her state administration.

She also revealed that the [b]Secretariat of Social Wellness and Integration will use $350 million pesos for the Violet Card program and to apply actions to support people with disabilities.

Lastly, Marina del Pilar stated that the aid will be delivered to mothers, as heads of family, in vulnerable situations, since it is clear that it is difficult to fight for their children as well as covering basic needs such as food and education.

RELATED VIDEO: Marina del Pilar celebrates Mother’s Day


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