
Heavy load vehicles will be rerouted due to deterioration of Los Olivos Bridge

Heavy freight vehicles are requested to detour to Simón Bolívar Boulevard

The Directorate of Municipal Works and Urban Infrastructure (DOIUM), determined as a priority to prevent the circulation of heavy load vehicles on the Los Olivos Bridge, after a series of meetings with the purpose of reviewing the state of Tijuana's busiest vehicular bridges, and within the framework of the work to protect the integrity of Tijuana residents and promote the development of the city.

According to the municipal agency, meetings began last May 6, in which it was agreed to make an analysis of damages to this bridge, due to the critical condition it maintains after many years of constant use, according to the historical information requested to the National Water Commission (Conagua) about these structures in Tijuana, which is why on May 24 and 25 a tour was conducted in the area.

It was on July 8 when the preliminary technical report of Los Olivos Bridge, located on Via Rapida Poniente, was obtained, which indicated a series of anomalies and damages that should be attended. For example: the existence of cracks and deformations in headers, beams, vibrations during the passage of vehicles, as well as cracking in the upper slab. Therefore, immediate actions must be taken to reduce the possibility of major damage.

It should be noted that Los Olivos Bridge is located over the Tijuana River, so Conagua has jurisdiction over it. This agency will be the one to work with to provide a solution to the issue and repair the damages and affectations that impact the vehicular bridge; however, it will be an issue that the incoming administration will have to continue to address, since it will require infrastructure resources.

The XXIII Tijuana City Hall has started the placement of road signs on Via Rapida Poniente, Manuel J. Clouthier Boulevard and Simon Bolivar Boulevard, being this boulevard the one where heavy load drivers will have to detour to join Insurgentes and thus avoid the circulation through Los Olivos Bridge, where the local government seeks that only light cars circulate.

The current administration calls on citizens to follow the indications suggested in the signs, since the safety of citizens is at stake, in addition to preventing an acceleration in the wear and tear of the area. In the same way they are urged to circulate with caution on the roads to avoid possible accidents.

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