
Birth Rate Increases in Mexico During Pandemic

The number of unwanted pregnancies also increased.

Photo by: esudroff en Pixabay

The Coronavirus changed our lives forever, it affected our routines, goals we had or objectives to attain, jobs, homes and above all the way we relate to each other; something as simple as a handshake or a hug is now socially disapproved.

We had to confine ourselves to our homes for the sake of our health and that of others. This led to many things, some discovered new hobbies, others got bored by the confinement, many got depression or anxiety, but something that happened a lot in Mexican homes were pregnancies.

In states such as Guanajuato, they attend around 44 thousand births in their public hospitals, this represents almost 45% of the total births in the whole state. In addition, the Secretariat of Health estimated that between last year and 2021 there will be more than 145 thousand unwanted pregnancies, of which 21 thousand will be teenagers. The Ministry explains that this is due to the misuse or non-use of contraceptive methods, which during this pandemic have been present more frequently, as well as the obstacles to access contraceptive methods.

Nadine Gasman, head of the National Institute of Women (Inmujeres), pointed out in 2020, that every day 32 girls between 10 and 14 years old become pregnant, victims of sexual abuse. Although, unfortunately, these figures suffered an increase during the pandemic.

The 2020 Census made by INEGI, last year registered a population of 126 014 024 inhabitants in the Mexican territory, in 2019 there were around 125 million people and this 2021 it is estimated around 130 million. Chiapas is the state with the highest birth rate, on the other hand, it is also the state with the highest poverty rate, we could make a correlation between socioeconomic status and pregnancies, inferring that those who have fewer resources, for this same reason it is difficult for them to obtain the necessary contraceptive methods or to be able to have a sexual education.

Canirac invites Baja California not to lower its guard and reinforce sanitary measures.


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