
Low income prevents 55 million Mexicans from buying a basic supply of food

Poverty in our country increased due to the pandemic and the economic crisis

55 million people in Mexico no longer have enough money to buy a basic supply of food. Gonzalo Hernández Licona, former executive secretary of Coneval, made this clear.

This year there were many people who were left without jobs, people whose income dropped a lot. They are families whose main source of income is work. We have a triple tragedy: health problems increase, mortality increases, and the economic problem increases, which becomes much more complicated.

With the products of the basic supply of food basket, two people can live for 15 days.

The income is less than 1,680 pesos per month in many urban areas, when the basic basket costs 1,643 pesos, which is barely enough, and other expenses such as electricity, water, services, gas, etc. are not being considered.

Let's remember that the minimum wage in the Northern Border Free Zone should be 185.56 pesos per day, giving a monthly total of 5566.8 pesos, but people are receiving much less than that.

In summary, 11 million more people are in working poverty. Added to this is the excessive increase in many products that make up the basic basket, some of which have gone up by 5 pesos, others by as much as 30 pesos.

The situation ironically echoes the words of Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador: "The economic rescue must be done from the bottom up, the poor first".

Related Video: Border News: 3rd week of November

With information from MVS News


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