After the arrival of the "Immigrant caravan" to Tijuana, thousands of Central Americans settled in the city with the hope of being able to request asylum on this side of the border.
They are people of all ages, from babies, pregnant women and the elderly, people that see their destiny a bit desolate because some left their family behind and others lost it in the long road they have traveled.
Because many immigrants confess not to have eaten in several days, the Tijuana Projec "Food Not Bombs" invites you to volunteer to help prepare food this Saturday and Sunday at the Enclave Caracol, located on 1st Street and Madero, in front of the wax museum.
If you can't stay to help prepare food, you can donate plastic plates (reusable) for soup, oil, salt, garlic, bread, tortillas and fruit.
Either you're cooking or donating, you can go to the Enclave Caracol at any time after 9:00 am this weekend.