
IT@Baja Celebrates Its First Technological Megatrends Forum

Technologies that can transform the future of the industry

In order to address the outlook on technologies that can transform the future of the industry, the Information Technology Cluster (IT@Baja) held the first Technological Megatrends Forum, in the BIT Center facilities, which convened around 800 people, among businessmen, developers, academics, students and government officials.

During the Forum’s schedule, experts from different companies in the sector addressed topics such as Cybersecurity, the Internet of Things, Human Capital, as well as the “10 Megatrends of Technology, according to Gartner.”

Also, the panel of experts in Industry 4.0 was held, which saw the participation of representatives from INDEX, SMK Electronics, Skyworks, Datatechnics, mxTI, Tek Capital; followed by Industry 4.0 applied to patrimonial security in the supply, transport and export, chain by EYS Software.

Likewise, Deputy Eloisa Talavera gave a keynote speech in which she spoke about public policies that are being promoted by the Congress of the Union to address technology trends and reduce the technological gap in the country, while Adriana Montes from ProMexico shared IT sector indicators and business opportunities at the international level.


e-commerce in Mexico reached a value of 18.2 billion USD.

revenues derived from Digital Marketing in Mexico reached a value of $1,489 billion USD.

238 Fintech startups have been identified in Mexico. This figure once again positions Mexico as the largest Fintech ecosystem in Latin America, ahead of Brazil.

Source: ProMéxico

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